About Us

Penfill. Not Landfill.
Millions of whiteboard markers are thrown into landfill every year, unnecessarily costing schools and institutions countless dollars.
AusPen was designed to prevent whiteboard markers going to landfill. With refillable barrels and replacement parts – all made using the highest possible quality ingredients, you will keep your AusPens for life.
Refilling, replenishing and replacing parts as you go.

How we manufacture.
Sustainability is about longevity as much as reducing consumption. That's why we sourced AusPen's components, based on the highest quality materials we could find.

Eco-Friendly. No Compromise on Price.
AusPen's easy functions mean that they last forever.
By refilling the ink, replenishing dried or fuzzy tips, and replacing the reservoir (or ink sponge) when it's mushy, you can then keep the marker itself – or the hardware, as we call it – in pristine working order.
We have had customers keep their AusPen Carry Cases for 8, 10 and in one case 15 years!
board markers are a surprisingly large source of waste. Between schools, universities and other institutions, roughly 400 million whiteboard markers are thrown out every year in America alone. At AusPen, we decided that’s 400 million reasons to create a higher quality, refillable and reusable line of whiteboard markers that can save some garbage from landfills. We don’t want people to have to choose between a sustainable, green product and saving money. That’s why all AusPen products are built on the ideas of balancing quality manufacturing, environmental sustainability and economical pricing. From initial conception to the final products, all of our markers embody these fundamental concepts. The markers themselves are made from recyclable materials that are designed to last for a very long time. The ink, marker nibs and barrels of our markers come together create the best whiteboard marker in the industry that offers a nearly infinite lifespan with refilling and replacing nibs as needed. We always hold ourselves to high standards and make sure our products are very safe to use in classrooms with young children. For example, many whiteboard markers use the chemical xylene to help the ink stick to the board. However, our refillable markers do not use this harmful chemical. We also understand what it means to be on a tight budget, which is another advantage of refillable markers that can be refilled with ink at a fraction of the price of replacing markers. Shop our selection online today or call us at +1 646 780 7888 to learn more. How AusPen Products Are Manufactured
AusPen came from a determination to minimize waste. The initial idea for refillable marker pens was followed up by extensive academic and industrial research. The founders have extensive experience in industrial design and manufacturing, and decided that AusPen would: * Utilize responsible manufacturing methods and recycled and recyclable materials to manufacture our products. * Make products that are safe, cost effective and top quality. We think we offer the best quality whiteboard markers in the marketplace – Our ink is the best available in the world, Our nibs are in fact double sided so they last for many refills, Our pen barrels are durable and long lasting and are refillable. We save the user many stationary dollars and provide an opportunity to contribute to the well being of our environment. Every component in our markers has been pitted against competitors in the open market, and then improved. We are proud of our product. We like to keep your best interests, and the environment’s best interests, at heart. After coming up with the idea of refillable markers, we looked at the existing products, and asked ourselves “how can we make the best markers even better"? Here is what we came up with. * Refillable: This was our original idea. Surprisingly, nobody has copied us. Most people think ‘disposable = cheap’ – what we found is that it’s the other way around. Disposable costs more and its a terrible cost on the environment. * Colorful: We figured people wanted brighter colors to use. For teachers and lecturers who use marker pens a lot, why not use purple, green and orange as well as red, black and blue? So we had to do some work to come up with inks that were vivid and readable. * Quality: Refilling marker pens means they need to last a lot longer. We experimented with many types of barrels and have found the most durable and reliable which can last for years. The Auspen carry case provides convenience for the user and protects the pens We use heat moulded (HDPE) polyethylene for the carry case to make them tough but eventually they are able to be recycled. * Environmental impact: We decided that while the carry case seems to be extra plastic, it helps stop pens being lost and so contributes to a net reduction in resource usage. * Health and safety: Okay, you aren’t at serious risk from dropping a marker pen on your foot. But did you know that many inks use Xylene so they stick better to the white board? Xylene is a really nasty chemical, and we decided it was better for the health of our customers if we found a quality alternative. We even had our non-xylene ink reviewed and approved for compliance with EEC requirements. AusPen represent the most economical, environmentally responsible and highest quality whiteboard marker on the market. Penfill not landfill!